Check out this article from Paul McNamara/Network World about a spam pitch he came across. Normally I don't like it when journalists stop to call out PR folks. Many journalists are incredibly difficult to reach and despite asking us to contact them via email, don't ever reply to email pitches - even to say, "No thanks." So when they stop and highlight a PR pitch by email, even a bad pitch or one sent to the wrong person, I generally think it creates unnecessary tension for what should be a good professional relationship. But this pitch is just awful and should curl the toes of all the PR professionals out there. I came into this profession during a hot market and made many mistakes as I learned the rules of engagement with journalists. The market is heating up again and more PR folks are out there trying hard to get their clients noticed. I'm all for it. PR trench ware fare is good for the soul, but if you're getting ready to send an email like this, please take the time to ask a colleague for their advice.